
Staff spotlight – get connected to Kirsty Price

23 June 2023

Our people are what make Digital Infrastructure great – every single one of them represents what we stand for – and represents a very important piece of our puzzles. What better way to understand our mission, than by quizzing our colleagues on 10 quickfire questions that offer a little more insight into why they’re such a crucial part of the team?

First up it’s our recruitment coordinator, Kirsty Price.


  • Tell us about your role at Digital Infrastructure – what are your key responsibilities?

All things recruitment! You will usually find me liaising with our hiring manages to better understand the company’s staffing needs, as well as managing the recruitment process from start to finish — including holding interviews and processing offers and contract. My role is really varied — which is why I enjoy it — from attending recruitment fairs and actively engaging with local colleges and agencies to find the best candidates. 


  • What’s your favourite part of the job?

I find it so satisfying to be playing a positive part the recruitment process and the fact that I have the opportunity to contribute to the growth of our excellent teams across Digital Infrastructure and our sister company and ISP, Be Fibre.

I am also really proud to represent our brands at the various Career and apprenticeship fairs in the communities we are working in.


  • For you, what makes Digital Infrastructure and BeFibre stand out from the crowd?

Our commitment to deliver our promises to our customers.


  • How do you think your colleagues would describe you?

Amiable, approachable, committed — and occasionally funny!


  • Describe Digital Infrastructure in three words…

Exciting. Innovative. Purposeful.


  • Is there a life motto which you swear by?

‘Life is what you make it, so make the best of it.’


  • If you were stranded on a desert island, what is the one thing you couldn’t live without?

Apart from my children – my phone! 😉


  • If you were the boss for a day, what one rule would you implement?

Take time to recognise and thank one colleague every day.


  • Complete the sentence: When it comes to broadband, it’s crazy that people don’t know…

How much work goes on behind the scenes to deliver it to homes!


  • If you could give a colleague an award for going ‘above and beyond’ who would it be, and why?

Breaking the rules as little here because I can’t choose between them, so would have to say the whole of my people team, purely because they go above and beyond each and every to support every individual who works with us.


If you liked what Kirsty Price had to say, you can follow them on LinkedIn.

Keep your eyes peeled for more team members taking part in our Q&A series over the coming months.


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