
Staff spotlight – get connected to Brett Heaversedge

27 March 2023

Our people are what make BeFibre BeBrilliant – and every single one of them has our five core values at their heart. So, what better way to bring them to the fore, than by quizzing our colleagues on 10 quickfire questions that offer a little more insight into why they’re such a crucial part of the team?

Next up it’s our billing and payments manager, Brett Heaversedge.

Be proud

Tell us about your role at BeFibre – what are your key responsibilities? 

I have numerous responsibilities, but they all tend to revolve around payments in some capacity or another. I can ensure invoices are dealt with in a timely and accurate manner, provide support to our ever-growing customer base, and assist in the continuous development of our internal systems and working practices. It’s a role with lots of different hats. 

What’s your favourite part of the job? 

System issue resolution. It’s very satisfying to be able to deliver a result no matter the issue we’ve come up against.

Be awesome 

For you, what makes BeFibre stand out from the crowd? 

The people. A lot of us might be considered risk-takers in life, but we all want to achieve. We were all willing to take a leap of faith in a new venture start-up because we believed in it – and I think that belief is what is making it work.

How do you think your colleagues would describe you? 

I suppose that really depends on whom you ask. I want to think the census would be that I am helpful and informative. Although I have been known to be very passionate about the details of a project which has had me hearing “Stay in the room Brett” a few times!

Be bold

Describe BeFibre in three words… 

Delivering beyond expectations.

Is there a life motto which you swear by? 

Life’s for living, we are only here once

Be innovative

If you were stranded on a desert island, what is the one thing you couldn’t live without?


What one rule would you implement if you were the boss for a day? 

Hmmm, that’s a difficult one as it’s a rule, not simply a change. I have found that the blogs on health on Vitality are really helpful. I would say my rule would be to utilise these more and maybe have the team log onto their Vitality Health account and read at least one of the blogs a month.

Be customer-focused

Complete the sentence: When it comes to broadband, it’s crazy that people don’t know… 

Just how impressive the technology is. The way broadband is delivered as light through fibre, the incredible speed it travels, and the capability it has for our future. In the UK our level of connectivity is vastly behind some other countries, and BeFibre are bringing it into the now – but the technology we have available has the ability  to serve us way into the future too – our appliances will be the ones playing catch up. 

If you could give a colleague an award for going ‘above and beyond’ who would it be, and why?

Phil Jeffery, our head of customer service and retention – ever present, ever helpful.

Keep your eyes peeled for more team members taking part in our Q&A series over the coming months.

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