
Staff spotlight – get connected to Elizabeth Allen

Our people are what make BeFibre great – every single one of them represents what we stand for - and represents a very important piece of our puzzle. What better way to understand our mission, than by quizzing our colleagues on 10 quickfire questions that offer a little more insight into why they’re such a crucial part of the team?

02 June 2023

First up it’s our internal communications manager, Elizabeth Allen.


1. Tell us about your role at Digital Infrastructure and BeFibre – what are your key responsibilities?

I am the internal communications manager for Digital Infrastructure and BeFibre. My job is to create and drive discussions and communication between multiple parts of the business and bring them together — I’m usually speaking to lots of different stakeholders within the business and telling everyone all the great things our people are working on!


2. What’s your favourite part of the job?

I love that I get to talk to so many people across the two companies. No two days are the same. One day I could be working with health and safety on an upcoming initiative, or showing off the latest marketing campaign we have planned. 


3. For you, what makes Digital Infrastructure/BeFibre stand out from the crowd?

It sounds cliché, but everyone cares. Each person I speak to comes into work wanting to make a difference and provide a great service, not only to our customers, but across the wider company, too. 


4. How do you think your colleagues would describe you?

I’m not what you may expect!


5. Describe the two companiesin three words…

Dedicated. Resourceful. Growing.


6. Is there a life motto which you swear by?

If you want something done, ask a busy person.


7. If you were stranded on a desert island, what is the one thing you couldn’t live without?

My bed, pillows, and duvet. Does that count as one thing? I have always been obsessed with sleep. 


8. If you were the boss for a day, what one rule would you implement?

A regular Friday quiz. I love learning new things and it would give people an opportunity to pause for a few moments and have some fun. 


9. Complete the sentence: When it comes to broadband, it’s crazy that people don’t know…

That upload speeds can be as important as download speeds. A lot of broadband companies don’t offer the same speeds for both, whereas BeFibre does. 


10. If you could give a colleague an award for going ‘above and beyond’ who would it be, and why?

Shannon Mcdermott, our Social Media Manager is such a wonderful person. On a professional level, as a fellow content creator, she is always there to bounce ideas with and help me get creative with my communications. On a personal level she is such a warm and helpful person; always willing to do right by people. If I am ever doubtful of myself, I go to Shannon as I know she will sort me out! 


Keep your eyes peeled for more team members taking part in our Q&A series over the coming months.


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